Decision to amend the Decision on the resolution of Jadranska banka d.d. Sibenik Pursuant to the Law on Resolution of Credit Institutions and Investment Companies (Official Gazette 19/2015; hereinafter: the Law), the Administration of the Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution Agency for conducting of the resolution process. ODLUKA O IZMJENI ODLUKE O PROVOĐENJU POSTUPKA SANACIJE NAD JADRANSKOM BANKOM d.d. Šibenik pdf (924.44 KB)
Decision to amend the Decision on the resolution of Jadranska banka d.d. Sibenik Pursuant to the Law on Resolution of Credit Institutions and Investment Companies (Official Gazette 19/2015; hereinafter: the Law), the Administration of the Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution Agency for conducting of the resolution process. ODLUKA O IZMJENI ODLUKE O PROVOĐENJU POSTUPKA SANACIJE NAD JADRANSKOM BANKOM d.d. Šibenik pdf (924.44 KB)