To ensure the exchange of best practices, knowledge and achievements in the wider region, but also Europe and the world, the Agency became a member of EFDI, the European Forum of Deposit Insurers and IADI, the International Association of Deposit Insurers. Namely, due to the direct or indirect connection of the financial systems of all countries of the world, the disturbances that have occurred in one country can have a significant impact in another country. Therefore, the ways in which a country solves problems can be of significant help to another country. Precisely in order to stay current and ready for challenges, the Agency actively participates in international organizations and is connected with representatives of institutions of other countries that have a similar or the same role.

The Croatian Deposit Insurance Agency is a member of the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI). EFDI is an organization made up of institutions that provide deposit insurance in European countries. The aim of establishing the association is to strengthen and exchange positive experiences in the field of deposit insurance in credit institutions. EFDI currently has 70 institutions from across Europe and beyond.

The Agency is also a member of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). IADI contributes to the stability of the financial system by promoting international cooperation and encouraging contacts among depositors around the world. IADI members conduct research and prepare guides for countries that want to establish or improve deposit insurance. Members share their knowledge and expertise through participation in international conferences and forums.